FEBRIANTO, AZIZA RESTU: The Comparison of Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text between Natural School and Regular School, research in SMP Negeri 22 Semarang and SMP Alam Arridho Semarang.Thesis. Strata 1 Program, English Department of Languages and Arts Faculty, Semarang State University. First Advisor: Widhiyanto, Spd, Mpd. Second Advisor: Drs. La Ode Musyarudin.
Keywords: Students’ Achievement, Writing, Descriptive Text, Natural School, and Regular School.
This study entitled ‘The Comparison of Students’ Achievement in Writing Descriptive Text between Nature School and Regular School.’ This study focuses on the comparison of the aspect of writing skill to find significant difference of the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text from different schools. In this study, the researcher took the samples of the students’ descriptive writings from SMP Alam Arridho Semarang as a Natural School and SMP Negeri 22 Semarang as a Regular School, then analyzed them by using Brown’s theory and the Genre features.
The objectives of this study are: (1) to find the significant difference found in the descriptive texts between the students of SMP Alam Arridho Semarang as a Natural School and the students of SMP Negeri 22 Semarang as a Regular School, (2) to find and show what kind of difference arises is. Related to the objectives above, the researcher found that the prominent differences are: (1) the students who have been studying in the Natural School get more freedom to explore their ideas in writing descriptive text. They are also more creative in writing Descriptive text. The factor that makes them become more creative is that writing is actually their habit. They are accustomed to being asked to write some certain objects in other subjects beside English. Hence, their writing is more developed and complete. (2) the descriptive writings of the students of SMP Alam Arridho Semarag are mostly better in the aspects of organization, content, Punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and style or quality of expression though the students from both schools almost have the same ability in using grammar. However, the students of SMP 22 Semarang have made better writing in the aspects of the communicative purpose of the text.
Hopefully, the results of this study can be useful for English teachers as a guideline to compose Lesson plan and to consider several methods used in the natural school as an Alternative school in teaching. The method which is rarely implemented in the Regular school is thematic method in which the teachers use Realia such as outdoor media and Excursion. This method is really important to be considered by the other teachers. Besides, other further researchers may use it as a reference to conduct other research on the same field. They may also conduct such a related research to find the effectiveness of Alternative Schools in Education.