Minggu, 08 Mei 2016

Presenting Paper 1

The Technique of Two Stay – Two Stray (TS – TS) to Improve the Students’ Speaking Ability in the Job Interview Class

(An Action Research in Grade 12 Marketing Department of SMK Negeri 2 Semarang)

Presented at
the 4th International Conference on Language Teaching, Literature and Translation (ELTLT)
English Department, Semarang State University
Pandanaran hotel, Semarang
October 10 – 11, 2015      

By Aziza Restu Febrianto

This action research shows the improvement of students’ speaking abilities through Two Stay – Two Stray technique in the material of Job Interview in Grade 12 Marketing of SMKN 2 Semarang. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which the technique of Two Stay – Two Stray (TS – TS) can improve the ability of students in speaking English, especially during the Job Interview class.

Two Stay – Two Stray is one of learning techniques in cooperative learning. In this technique, the students were given an opportunity to speak in turns. According to the Job interview teaching material, each student in group was given two different roles. In this case, each group consists of five students. Two students played a role as the interviewers and the other two students became the job applicants. And lastly, one remaining student became an observer whose job was to record the activity in the group. The two students who played the role as the job applicants visited all the groups to have an interview. While the other two students as the interviewers stayed in this group. This activity was done in turns. Therefore, all of the students got the entire roles. The subjects of the research were the students of Grade 12 Marketing class of SMKN 2 Semarang in the academic year 2013/ 2014. Thirty two students were involved in this research. To achieve the goal of the study, the researcher conducted an action research including a demonstration. According to Wallace (1998:4), action research is a process, which is done by systematically collecting data on teacher’s everyday practice and analyzing it in order to make some decisions about what her/his future practice should be. Hopkins said that the aim of action research as means of extending professional behaviours and encouraging flexibility in professional development (1993:71). The action research was carried out in two cycles. There was a simulation test at at the end of each cycle. The aim of the test is to measure the student’s progress and result of the teaching –learning activities using “Two Stay  - Stray” (TS-TS) structure.

Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that the Two Stay – Two Stray technique (TS-TS) was really helpful for helping teachers teach speaking. The study shows how the technique could work successfully in improving students’ ability in speaking English. The result of the research can be seen from the data provided after the action research conducted. The result gained is concluded as follows; the mean score of speaking class in the first cycle was 6.61 and the mean score gained in the second cycle was 12.20. Therefore, the difference was 5.59. It is very obvious that there was exactly a significant difference found when applying the TS - TS technique in speaking class.

Keywords: Two Stay – Two Stray (TS – TS), Cooperative Learning, and the teaching of English speaking

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